About clay

Meet Yuri Neumann: Art Columnist

It is a great pleasure to introduce clay’s new Art columnist, Yuri Neumann! Adopted from Russia when he was one and a half, Yuri is a Russian-American dual citizen and has lived in Lithuania since he was seven. He has two older siblings, John and Sarah, and a younger sister named Hannah; he also has two cats around eight years old named Pickles and Žuvytė. In typical TCK fashion, Yuri and his family travel often, so at fifteen years old he has been to fifteen different countries!

In his free time, Yuri loves to watch shows, read webcomics, talk with his friends, and drink bubble tea. He also loves the color green and wearing hoodies and sweats, regardless of the weather. Possibly because of this, his favorite season is the autumn–or, as he puts it, the season when “all the trees magically burst into flames.” During the fall he enjoys using his talent at making “the perfect homemade hot chocolate,” even though it risks having to make it for his siblings too. At least he gets tons of practice!

In his freshman year of high school and second year with TPS, Yuri hopes to improve his writing skills, make new connections in the clay community, and bring tips and tricks to his fellow artists through his articles. If the world ever desperately needs someone to teach people how to dye their hair with watercolor, he’ll be there to help. After being inspired by one of his friends to draw more often, Yuri has been regularly contributing to the Forums community with his beautiful fantasy character drawings. Many of his pieces include his signature “aura”, a watercolor back-splash around the character with colors that communicate their personality.

While discussing our preferred methods of practicing art, Yuri commented that “Some people don’t know this, but you’re supposed to practice sketching before you actually draw something, and you’re supposed to draw every day. I’ve found that it’s really amazing how fast your art skills can improve if you do this!”

From these wise words, it’s safe to say he will offer amazing tips throughout this school year, and inspire many artists as he does. 

Photo Credits: Yuri Neumann


  1. I’ll make sure to send you that recipe this winter. xD Take note thats its not yet perfected. 😉

  2. Good Luck yuri!!! I cant wait to see what you do 😀

  3. Good luck this year ????