Arts & Culture

7 Ingredient Recipe That Will Turn any Sadness and Pain into Joy

No! The day has come: the Cooking Column’s last April article ever! Well, my friends, even though the pain is absolutely unbearable, thankfully we have God’s glorious creation of food to ease the pain. When researching what to make for this bittersweet article, there were just too many options to choose from. I researched “Foods to eat when you’re sad,” and numerous results came up. While I was having a crisis choosing what to make, it suddenly dawned on me: why not just mix all the awesome foods that make everyone feel better when they’re sad together? That will surely turn anyone’s frown upside down! And let’s face it, we’ll all need it for this last round of clay articles.



-Chocolate: There’s not really a specific measurement, just as much as you need to calm down. Plus, dark chocolate lowers the risk of heart disease! So, really, you can eat as much as you want, and it won’t ever hurt you.

-Berries: I promise I’m not just biased! Really, these just have a way of making people happier.

-Bananas: These have a lot of benefits. Not only are they tasty, but they also come in large bunches, which means you’ll have to share them with other people, which means you’ll have to talk to people and socialize. That’s good for you.

-Water: To be honest, this is kind of an optional ingredient. Not really sure what good it can do for your body. It kind of doesn’t taste like anything either. But you do you!

-Coffee: If you choose not to use water in your meal, coffee is another very necessary ingredient. I repeat, this ingredient is NOT optional. Not much else to say about coffee except it’s heavenly and will taste delicious in any meal you make. It won’t let you down in cooking, life, or in any situation!

-Cake: This is a must-have! Who doesn’t like cake? Okay, sure, it’s not the healthiest, but you could always just make dark chocolate cake. That prevents heart disease. If you’re ever wanting to make a dish healthy, just add dark chocolate. 

 -Fish: Now, a lot of people actually don’t like fish, but it is said that fish are actually considered brain food, so they must be good for when you’re sad. Also, according to many experts on the internet, fish is like “icing on the cake!” These experts really know what they’re talking about and obviously, if it’s icing we have to include it in our recipe. 


And that’s all the ingredients! Every single ingredient here is completely safe and healthy. And this recipe will not only help us get over the pain of no more clay articles, but it’s also a great meal to share with friends and family. The instructions are pretty simple, actually – if a homeschooler like me who drinks coffee for a living can do it, you can do it too.



-Mix the chocolate, berries, banana, water if you’re using it, coffee, cake, and fish together. 

– Let it sit for a couple minutes to cool down and sit. Serve immediately and enjoy!

People who have tried out this genius recipe say that even though it serves ten people, there is usually a lot of leftovers! This means that you’ll have a great meal for days to keep you company during the grief and heartache of clay’s last year of publication.

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