Tag: Spotlight


A Conversation with Mrs. Wolf

Living in Herndon, Virginia, just outside of Washington D.C, Mrs. Angela Wolf-Ramnanan has been teaching English for fourteen years, and at the Potter’s School for three. She can often be found doing outdoor activities with her family, such as biking, kayaking, and football, or exploring museums and theater performances in […]


Luke Smith the ‘Typical Russian’

Subject 1 – My first human interaction: Name: Luke Smith; Age: 17; Location: South Carolina     Through his computer lens, I see Luke plop down carelessly into a chair in front of his perfect PC gamer setup named Kevin, signaling the time has come for me to begin my […]


Fickle Frackle Crackle

Humans are fickle creatures, but it took real-life experiences for me to actually process it as a fact relevant to me. There have been a number of instances where I have been reminded of this rather negative characteristic, but I specifically want to address my discrepancies regarding tastes, and more […]