Tag: Sasha Kuhlmann


Meet Ava Dargel: Humor Columnist

The debate over pineapple on pizza is hot, even after years of speculation. Joining the pro side is clay’s Humor columnist Ava Dargel! Ava is a junior currently residing in Christianburg, Virginia. She only plans on taking one class with TPS, Geography, but is part of the Fotia chapel staff […]



As the world approaches summer, it often means a time of rest. Children get out of school and adults prepare for better weather. Unfortunately, the people in Ukraine don’t have the option to relax.   Even after two months of constant fear, the citizens of Ukraine don’t get a chance […]



Goodbyes are hard. It’s never easy to say goodbye to someone, especially when we care about them. The pain that we feel can be overwhelming. Over the centuries, different cultures have developed their own special ways of saying goodbye for the last time. In Korea, families have cremation beads kept […]


Faith in Uncertainty

Prayer is a Christian’s spiritual weapon. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to “pray continually”. God wants Christians to pray, even when He knows what they’re going to ask. No one knows this more than Igor Bandura, the current vice president of the Baptist Union of Ukraine, who says, “Prayer is our […]


Foundations and Technology

Technology is a blessing and a curse. Just like all inventions, technology has the capability to impact people’s lives for good and for evil. And while the pros of technology are endless, it’s hard to ignore the drawbacks that phones, computers, and social media present. Cyberbullying and internet stalking are […]