Tag: Corinna Choi

Arts & Culture

Chapter 10: One Last Adventure

It was a cool Labor Day Monday, and it was also Sierra’s final day at Grandma Betsey’s. Tomorrow, her parents would take her back to Chicago. The time was ticking away, and Sierra knew that she was losing precious minutes. Even though everybody in the neighborhood was at the town […]

Arts & Culture

Chapter 8: The Tension Within

كانت أيام الصيف تتلاشى بسرعة ، وعرفت سييرا أن وقتها في منزل الجدة بيتسي قد انتهى تقريبًا. ومع ذلك ، لا يزال هناك متسع من الوقت لمغامرتين أخريين في اليوميات … 塞拉睁开眼睛,看到了令人愉悦的景色,三棵光芒四射的棕榈树。塞拉环顾四周,意识到自己正坐在长凳上。她环顾四周。从和煦的微风和散落在街道上的棕榈树来看,塞拉猜测她在加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶市。因为她的姑姑住在洛杉矶,所以她曾多次访问南加州。不过,她也不太清楚自己现在身处城市的哪个地段,于是她开始探索起来。 Het viel Sierra op dat de borden op de vele winkels langs de straten waren geschreven in een […]

Arts & Culture

Chapter 7: A DC Dream

It was a hot day in late August, and Sierra was soaking up the last few weeks of her stay at Grandma Betsey’s while visiting the town library. In a town as quaint and old as Grandma Betsey’s, there wasn’t much room for exploration. However, on a blistering day like […]

Arts & Culture

Chapter 5: Bean Stew

“Sierra, lunch!” Grandma Betsey called from downstairs.  Sierra snapped the book she had been reading shut. She had skipped breakfast that day, and her stomach had been growling for the past two hours! Excited to see what she would soon behold on the kitchen table, Sierra rushed down the attic […]