

Jenna Koo, Music and clay Enthusiast

Jenna (bottom left) on a trip through the Superior Hiking Trail while working as a camp counselor in Wisconsin.   Living in Florida with her three siblings, Jenna has two dogs and a handful of chickens. Before attending the University of Central Florida and majoring in nursing, she took TPS […]


A Conversation with Mr. Ream

Formerly living in East Asia, Mr. Brent Ream currently resides in North Carolina, having been displaced due to the pandemic. He teaches Physical Science at The Potter’s School, but he has been teaching for 19 years, split evenly between middle school, high school, and university. He enjoys water activities and […]


Public School Guide

Disclaimer: This is based on the author’s personal experience and may not apply to all public schools everywhere. Today’s extremely informational guide covers how to properly ace public school. Yessir, you read that correctly. As someone who grew up going to public school, I have ample qualifications to ensure your […]


Pet Spotlight: Rebecca Craft

I walk up the driveway and lift my hand to knock. Before I do, though, the door bursts open and Rebecca Craft comes out with a smile on her face. “Hey!” she greets me. “I didn’t expect you here so early.” Glancing over to where the sun is rising, I […]