
Olivia Rinaldo: Archery, Languages, and Talkative Llamas

Mercy: The beautiful month of November is here! Thanksgiving is coming up and it is spotlight writing time again. Please welcome Olivia Rinaldo. 

(Llama runs through the apartment straight behind Mercy’s computer as she’s just getting on a call with Olivia) 

Olivia: Um, what was that?


Luke: (Runs past Mercy but stops when he sees her screen, and turns off mute) Hey Olivia, how old are you and what grade are you in? 

Olivia: I’m 15, and in 10th grade. 

Mercy: Did you look at my questions? 

Luke: Nah, I just guessed. You’re welcome. (Runs after the llama again) 

Mercy: Ok then. On with the inter-

Micah: (rides up on the llama with Luke by his side) 

Olivia: Are you riding a llama? 

Micah: Indeed I am. Are there llamas where you live? Speaking of which, where do you live and where have you lived?

Olivia: I live in Virginia, but I’ve lived in Kazakhstan and multiple other states in the US. 

Luke: Cool. Do your siblings ever ride llamas? 

Olivia: No. 

Micah: Do you have siblings? 

Olivia: Yes, I have 4. From oldest to youngest: Emma, Will, me, Kyler, and Julia. 

Julia: (walks into view of Olivia’s screen) Is that a llama? 

Micah: Indeed, it is. 

Luke: Well, I got to go do some TPS homework. Do you do TPS?

Mercy: I wouldn’t be interviewing her if she didn’t.

Luke: True. What classes are you taking? 

Olivia: Algebra 2 Honors, Chemistry Honors, Spanish 2 Honors, World History & Cultures, Introduction to Nursing, and English 4, 5, & 6. 

The Llama: That’s a lot. 

(Everyone stares) 

The Llama: Did you really expect me not to talk? I’m quite the talkative llama myself. My name is Sir George Chalupa Nickelback Frederickson CCLXLIV, but please just call me Fred. 

(Everyone keeps staring) 

Fred: (looks at Mercy’s list) What’s a fun fact about you? 

Olivia: Well, I aspire to translate the Bible into another language. 

Fred: Very intriguing. What about your favorite fall tradition? 

Olivia: My grandpa makes a huge leaf pile and all the grandkids come and play in it and it’s awesome.

Fred: Fun. If you could sum up yourself in three words, what would they be? 

Olivia: Intriguing, elated, and complicated.

Mercy: (trying to keep up with everything they’re saying) 

Fred: I can write down what I say if that will make it easier for you. 

Mercy: Of course, you can type. 

Fred: What about your talents? 

Olivia: Archery, and I can eat most foods with a straight face.

Mercy: Good skill to have. 

Fred: What are some of your hobbies? 

Olivia: Archery, reading, writing, and composing songs.

Mercy: Fun. If money was no object, what would you do all day? 

Olivia: I would travel to different countries with my best friends. 

Mercy: Sounds awesome. 

Fred: What’s an interesting experience that’s happened in your life? 

Olivia: Well, at a church we were sharing our story and my parents were talking about their kids’ independence, like we could go places by ourselves. And then this guy comes up and he says, “That’s really interesting. I thought you guys had to have bodyguards.” 

Mercy: Nice. Can you list some of your favorites? 

Olivia: Yellow, languages, waking up to the birds in the morning, driving and listening to music at top volume, curly hair, dressing up nice, and dark chocolate. 

Mercy: All great things. 

Joshua: (walks in the room out of nowhere) Hey guys. Oh, hey Olivia. (looks around and ignores the talking llama) Who’s someone you want to be like? 

Olivia: My mom. She’s super positive, godly, and will find the way God is working in any situation. Even when she’s not feeling great, she’s always there to listen and encourage people.

Joshua: That’s awesome. What about your favorite Bible verse? 

Olivia: I have two. Isaiah 6:8, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord asking, ‘Who will I send? Who will go for us?” I said, “here I am. Send me.’” As well as Romans 10:13-15, “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about him? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.’”

Mercy: Great verses. Anything else you would like to say to the readers? 

Olivia: Don’t let your age define you, let God work even in your youth.

Mercy: Best advice I’ve gotten in any of my articles. 

Joshua: You’ve only written like three. 

Mercy: Still the best. 

Fred: Well thanks for letting me run through your apartment. Was very fun running away from you guys. 

Micah: (jumps on Fred before he can run away again) Let’s get you out of here. 

Fred: This is gonna be fun! (takes off down the hall and out the door) 

Luke: (runs after Micah and Fred)

Olivia: Well, thanks for interviewing me. 

Joshua: You’re welcome. 

Mercy: (rolls eyes) Of course. 

Olivia: Bye! (ends call) 

Joshua: Well, gotta go. Have some college-y things to do. See you on the flip side. (Winks, then jumps out the window onto a unicorn and rides away) 

Mercy: Well, as nice as he was, I hope that llama never comes back.

Fred: (tramples Mercy, steals her list of questions, and runs out) 

Mercy: Well, I guess… wait, where did my questions go? 

Low voice: Looks like you won’t be writing spotlights anymore. (evil laughs)

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