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Announcing the 2023-2024 GP7 Music Competition!

Hello TPS!

It’s that time of the year, and we are so excited to announce the sixth annual GP7 Music Competition!

In days gone by, GP7 was haunted by a singular repetitive tune that played on loop before every class. The Senior Editors introduced the first Music Competition to bring variety to the pre-class soundtrack and allow students to participate in that process. Since then, GP7 has enjoyed countless pieces of music composed or performed by our very own TPS community. These contests have been a huge success over the years, and we can’t wait to hear from the skilled musicians of our school once again!

How does all of this work? For this competition, we will accept submissions of original pieces, classical pieces, and other arrangements or songs within the public domain. The winning songs will be played on rotation in GP7. All interested students must first submit their songs to by January 31st. After careful review, the top picks will be selected and published on clay in mid-February, so that the TPS community can vote for their favorites. Once the public vote concludes, the resulting four most popular songs will rotate as GP7 room music.

If you or someone you know is interested in entering the contest, please review the guidelines listed below:

  1. You must be a current TPS student to submit music.
  2. All submissions must be sent to by January 31st. Late entries will not be considered.
  3. We cannot use music that may be offensive or questionable to some TPS students. As a result, we cannot consider rap, rock, romance music, political or protest music, etc. Instrumentals are best. Music with soft vocals and digital (techno) music are also acceptable.
  4. Any submissions must be completely original to the contestant: composed, performed, and recorded by TPSers. One exception is music clearly in the public domain (all works published in 1927 or earlier), although the performance and recording should still be the contestant’s own.
  5. Submissions may be in any popular, accessible format (e.g. MP3) or may be links to an audio site. The file that is provided for use in GP7 will need to be originally recorded as an uncompressed WAV file of a high sample rate (please do NOT convert an MP3 file to an uncompressed WAV, as the file will become unusable in GP7).
  6. Please attach your song file to an email that includes your name/composer’s name, the song title, and the year of composition along with any other information you believe is relevant.
  7. We will only allow ONE submission per person.

Please let us know if you have any questions! We’re so excited to hear from all of the talented students at TPS.

Cara Pisani and Isabel Rogers
2023-2024 Senior Editors


  1. Are there any rules or guidelines about length?

  2. I am totally doing piano

  3. what do you guys think, should I do harry potter piano, believer, some lord of the rings song, beethoven, bach, handel, thoughts?

  4. or do you think I should make up a song, or do some worship music

  5. I’m totally gonna do it
    its gonna be fun

  6. are we allowed to do it with siblings who were former TPS students?

  7. or do they have to be currently doing TPS because I was hoping to do a song with some of my siblings who were former TPS students like 1 year ago

  8. do you guys think I should do Bach, Erik Satie, Handel, Rachmoninoff, Elvis Presley?

  9. We should make some rock instrumental. other wise I will not show up for classes 💀
    something like foreigner would be cool.

  10. HYPE! Ima continue work on my composition

  11. I was going to do this, but then I saw that this was “original music only” and that killed me.

    Oh well.

  12. I might try to do some classical music, who knows. (yay another thing that I won’t end up doing XD)
    Could one do just acapella? Perhaps a hymn?

  13. I was talking to the editors Alex@

  14. Yo I was thinking of doing a song with lyrics but it’s been a VERY long time since I’ve done any instruments will anybody help? (If they can? Idk if it’s allowed)

  15. dude I have the perfect made up song it sounds really good I’m gonna enter it once it is fully finished. Though do we have to name the songs?

  16. Am I allowed to do a song that I didn’t make up as long as the composer is no longer alive?

  17. Isabella if it is allowed I might be able to help depends on which song you want to do I play Piano very well though I was Planning on playing Gymnopodie that doesn’t have lryics but if you find a different song I can help probably

  18. Im going to do Hallelujah or Gymnopodie which one do you guys think I should do?