Arts & Culture

Rain: An Appreciation for Gloomy Weather

Rain brings many images to mind, from being caught in its inconvenience to jumping through puddles or simply being someone with glasses; rain means many things to many people. For me, it reminds of going to walk my dog and getting absolutely drenched or having to wade through the flooded streets of Batumi in the spring and fall. 

Apart from literal memories, rain can also be a powerful symbol. It brings new life and refreshment to plants—and through them, people. However, it also brings difficulty while it lasts, and people tend to focus on the difficulty of the moment. Additionally, hardship may also seem like it will not end. But—just like every rainfall—it will. Although this trial or bout of rain may not bring a rainbow at its end, it will bring new strength and life within. Come spring, the fruits of the rain will begin to bloom in the most unexpected ways. 

Through this view of difficulty it can become easier to walk through the rain, and perhaps even dance and sing in it. For sometimes the inconveniences or problems are not as bad as they seem through one’s windows or worldviews. Sometimes taking the step outside—or, the step without one’s umbrella—can reveal the joys found even in these times. Although this analogy doesn’t quite work for those with glasses or those who hate getting wet, the principle still stands. The idea that sometimes protecting oneself from the rain or the perceived problem is actually the root of what is causing one’s difficulty.

Lastly, rain can be a reminder of the choice to step back from situations. Just as sitting angrily in a puddle and trying to get rid of it while it’s still raining is useless, not all problems can be dealt with in the moment. Sometimes the best choice is to sit back and find a new angle through a new window and solve the problem once the rain stops. This applies to even smaller problems such as not knowing what is wrong with a drawing. Instead of working at it and becoming frustrated, sometimes it is best to get a cup of tea and wait till the brain fog has passed. Then, later, go back and try to fix it from a new angle. Now, having said all the deep and boring stuff, here’s a simple appreciation for rain: 



Sloshed beneath boots of yellow and black 

Pattered on umbrellas and coat backs

Sprinkled on glasses and window frames

Flooded through the streets all it claims 

The moon and street lamps brighten the night

And shine down in yellow and in white 

Cars speed away and out of sight 

Raindrops and puddles reflect red light 

Refreshing for those few souls outside 

Who jump and play not run and hide 

But better for those inside indeed 

The perfect mood to sit and read

One Comment

  1. I love this poem!! It is so well written!