
A Conversation with Mrs. Thomas

Currently residing in Virginia, Diana Thomas has been teaching English at TPS for over two decades. 


Eliana: How long have you been teaching English with TPS? Also, what specific courses do you teach and which one is your favorite?

Mrs. Thomas: This is my 21st year at TPS; I started in 2002. Currently, I teach English 3  Intrigue & Illusion, Advanced Composition, and Children’s Literature. Favorite? I can’t really answer that because I genuinely enjoy teaching all of them. I will say that the more engaged the students are in discussion, the more enjoyable the class. 


Eliana: Where do you live?

Mrs. Thomas: We have lived in St. Petersburg, Russia for 17 years. This past spring we moved to Lexington, VA, where we will live when not in Russia. Due to the war, we are dividing our time between countries. 


Eliana: If you could live anywhere in the world, what place would you choose?

Mrs. Thomas: Wow. Tough question. I love Russia very much, so it’s hard to pick someplace else. However, I do love Indonesian food, so maybe there. Then again, I love Greek food and Indian cuisines, too! Maybe, I’d like to live on a jet so I could get around to all these wonderful places. 


Eliana: What a creative idea! What’s your favorite way to spend a day off? 

Mrs. Thomas: A hike in the woods or a game night with my family.


Eliana: Both easy enough to do from a jet, how convenient. Top three all-time favorite books: go!

Mrs. Thomas: The Chosen by Chaim Potok, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle, Abba’s Child by Brennan Manning. 


Eliana: Excellent choices. Since it’s November and a certain holiday is coming up, what is, in your opinion, the best Thanksgiving food?

Mrs. Thomas: In Russia, we have access to lignonberries (brusniki) and my family loves my brusniki sauce in place of cranberry sauce — berries, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, raisins — yum!


Eliana: I’ve had the IKEA version, but your homemade one sounds so much better! Continuing with the Thanksgiving theme, what are three things you’re thankful for right now?

Mrs. Thomas: My family, of course, and my inspiring TPS colleagues and students. 


Eliana: Aw, I’m thankful for you too! What are some of your hobbies outside of the classroom?

Mrs. Thomas: Working out, making pottery, reading, long walks, practicing cello.


Eliana: Pottery, that’s quite a unique interest! Finally, what’s a Bible verse you’d like to share with the TPS student community? 

Mrs. Thomas: Psalm 121. I’m studying the Psalms of Ascents right now, and this is one of my favorites. 


Verses 1 and 2 of Psalm 121 say, “I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” What a wonderful reminder to keep with us as we press through these next few weeks before Thanksgiving break! When you’re feeling overwhelmed with last-minute assignments, take a moment to pray and ask the Lord for his help.


Works Cited

“Bible Gateway Passage: Psalm 121 – New International Version.” Bible Gateway,


Image credit: Diana Thomas


  1. yayyyy Mrs T! So happy to have you as a teacher this year. It was good to get to know more about you. great article Eliana! See you both in class tomorrow (: