
A Conversation With Madame S.

Living in Nashville, Tennessee, Madame Barbara Starosciak is among The Potter’s School’s longest employed staff members: she has been teaching French Language and Culture for 25 years. 


Eliana: What made you decide to start teaching French?

Madame S: My grandfather fought in World War 1 and learned French in France. He insisted the whole family learn the language. My grandmother put me in an immersion school in 6th grade. I earned a college degree in teaching. My first employer saw French on my résumé and asked me to build the French program for their high school.


Eliana: How long have you been with TPS? Did you teach anywhere else before?

Madame S: I have been with TPS 25 years! I taught in a Christian school for several years and in different homeschool co-ops.


Eliana: Can you tell me about your family? 

Madame S: My husband and I have been married 40 years and we have two children. Our daughter, Twila, lives with her family in South America. She has two children, our only grandchildren, so we miss them very much. Our son is renovating his house in Michigan and we see him on holidays.


Eliana: What was your favorite school subject in elementary/middle school (besides French)?

Madame S: In elementary and middle school, I liked all my school subjects.  I graduated first in my class. I love learning and hope to continue with new languages!


Eliana: What’s one of the things about the French language and/or culture that always surprises the most students when they learn it?

Madame S: We discuss the Space Bubble in French 1. Students tell what amount of space they are comfortable with in their culture. Most Americans prefer 2-3 feet between themselves and a stranger. The French are comfortable with 3-4 inches!


Eliana: Which is your favorite foreign country/place you’ve visited? If you could pick any country you haven’t been to, where would you vacation for a week?

Madame S: My favorite foreign country is France. I have visited many times but I still enjoy the culture, the landscapes and the people. I dream of visiting Italy. The art work, the food, the history and the people (like you)  interest me. I hope to go there one of these summers.


Eliana: Thank you, I’m honored! What’s one of your favorite Bible verses (and why)?

Madame S: Proverbs 3:5-6 says: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.” I have confidence in this verse and the ways God has led my family.


What a wonderful verse for this time of year of settling into the rhythm of school and regular activities again! Madame S. is a great example to her students and I hope you enjoyed learning more about her in this article.


Image Credit: Madame Starosciak (Furthest left in photo)

One Comment

  1. Quite a nice article, Eliana! It was indeed nice to learn more about my teacher.