About clay

Meet Dorcas Sheng: PR Photographer

Meet Dorcas Sheng, clay‘s soon-fourteen-year-old PR Photographer! Dorcas lives in China with her parents, her eleven-year-old brother, and her one-year-old baby sister. She does not currently have any pets, but in the past her family has owned chickens, pigeons, and guinea pigs.

Dorcas will be kept busy this school year with seven TPS classes as well as extracurriculars. As a rising 8th grader, she will be taking English 2, Geometry (Honors), U.S. History for Middle School, Life Science, English Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots, French 1B, and Health & Wellness. In addition to her classes and working with clay, Dorcas is a musician for Fotia, TPS’s student chapel.

Dorcas loves blue, green, swimming, and music. She “also loves to learn things, (anything)!” Her pet peeve is knowing that someone saw her texts but did not respond, and in her opinion, the coolest thing she has ever done is biking for 100 kilometers, about 62 miles, in one day. Dorcas holds the unpopular view that the coziness of rainy days makes them thoroughly enjoyable—and even something to look forward to. Her appetite for tiramisu, though, an espresso-flavored Italian dessert, is much less controversial.

A picture Dorcas took this summer during her family’s summer vacation. She decided to add this picture because it looks like a painting, but is somehow lively at the same time.

A melophile, Dorcas loves playing the flute and piano, teaching the latter, and listening to music. For worship music, her favorite singers are probably Chris Tomlin and Pat Barratt. When it comes to pop, she likes Madilyn Bailey and Anson Seabra, but Ludovico Einaudi and Chopin take the podium for classical piano.

Her current favorite Bible verse is Colossians 3:23-24, which reads, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” This passage is meaningful to her because it always encourages her when she feels disheartened and reminds her to persevere.

It has been an honor to get to know you, Dorcas, and I can’t wait to see what you’ll contribute to clay!


Photo Credit: Dorcas Sheng


  1. Hannah Den Hartog

    Dorcas! It’s so cool you’re on the clay team! I’m excited to hear your beautiful music at chapel this year and see your pictures for clay 🙂

  2. Yay Dorcas!! So excited for you! God bless you!

  3. Awesome article, Jericho! It’s an honor for me to get to know you too =)

  4. Yayy Dorcas!! Can’t wait to see what you’ll do for clay’s PR this year!