Theology & Worldview

Perfect Peace

Our world is anything but peaceful. Every day, new disasters reach our ears–from wars on the other side of the world to car crashes just a couple of miles away. This external conflict can damage our internal thinking and our peace.

What is peace, really? We might think of a peacemaker, someone who calms debates and strife. We might think of the soothing sound of ocean waves. But while these things are peaceful, they are not our ultimate peace.

You might know what I’m about to say: Jesus is our ultimate peace.  Peace stems from our hope, and since Jesus has overcome the world, we can have hope that one day there will be no more suffering or tribulation. Peace is trusting that Christ will one day free you from suffering. And when he comes, then we can know perfect peace. 

Romans 5:1(NIV) says: “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Peace is something that is truly achieved through Christ Jesus. It seems that Paul wants us to believe that peace stems from our faith.

For most people looking at Christianity from the outside, this causes doubts. It can provide a poisoned point of view of the peace that Jesus brings us. So if we just believe in Jesus, we have perfect peace? What then can we make of anxiety and fear? 

It would be a lie for any Christian to say that anxiety doesn’t exist. We, as believers, are in no way exempt from the world’s suffering. In fact, we’re told in John 16:33 (NIV) that “in this world you will have trouble.” There’s no use denying our anxiety and pain because it’s as clear as day. No one on earth knows perfect peace. 

Is peace simply a myth, then?

No! Peace is not going to be perfected here on earth. We saw part of John 16:33 earlier, but if we look at the entire verse, Jesus says, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  Anxiety is something that the devil will likely plague you with your whole life, but it does not have the final say or the claim over your heart. Although we cannot find perfect peace, we can still have peace in Christ.

Some Christians believe that anxiety comes from a lack of faith. If we just believed a bit harder, we’d have peace. However, Scripture never says that anxiety is a punishment for our lack of faith. Our faith can help us overcome anxiety, but it is not a cure. Rather, it is something to be pursued even through anxiety or stress.

As Jesus has told us, then, this world is not yet free from tribulation. Christians are not promised perfect peace right here and now, or as a direct result of placing our faith in Christ. Rather, what we are promised is that Jesus will overcome our tribulations.

Friends, remember what your Lord has promised you. The fallenness of this world does not define your relationship with Jesus, and it does not quench your hope in eternal peace.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” –Romans 15:13


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