Tag: Lily Wallaker

Theology & Worldview

The Changing of the Seasons

You step out into the warm sunshine, embracing the beginning of summer. You hug your friends and look at pictures from when you were young. You swing the tassel from one side to the other. It’s a beautiful day and a beautiful world.  And then you realize—your childhood is over. […]

Theology & Worldview

Finding Beauty in the Little Things

  In this day and age, we’re expected to have ten-second attention spans. Think about it—our culture is focused on entertainment, but most entertainment is short and shallow. We easily get bored and move on to the next best thing. Because of this, it’s easy to get sidetracked from whatever […]

Theology & Worldview

A New Year, Our Faithful God

Do you ever make New Years’ resolutions? Those vows that motivated people make at the beginning of the year when they promise that they’ll eat healthier, read more books, or be kinder to their families. I know I make them, sometimes in my head, sometimes on paper.  But I’m not […]