
Meet Timothy Baker: Humor Columnist

From Hovd, Mongolia, Humor Columnist Timothy Baker joins clay for the first time to write a unique, new comedic column. Timothy’s column will consist of tutorials written from the perspective of literary or film characters. Timothy described in his interview how he has always avidly read the writings of clay, particularly those in the humor section, and was inspired to join in this year to share some of his own interesting ideas. He also cited the cheerful creations of Bill Waterson in Calvin and Hobbes along with Roald Dahl and Shel Silverston as influences on his approach to comedy and inspirations for creating his own work. Timothy enjoys comedy in many different forms, mainly partaking in humor through writing. He appreciates satire, sarcasm, and wordplay and occasionally will enjoy comedy in the form of a comedic artwork, appreciating the artist’s ability to encapsulate a story within a visual format.

At seventeen and entering his senior year, Timothy has participated in classes at TPS for five years. During his time at TPS, Timothy has particularly enjoyed English 4/5 Advanced Comp – Style and Rhetoric (Honors) with Mrs. Thomas and Physics with Mr. Edgren. This year, he will take on College Creative Writing as well as Art 3 – Advanced Portfolio at TPS. Between assignments and tests, he savors the process of creation. In particular, he enjoys drawing, graphic design, and reading as well as playing the violin. He also appreciates classical music, particularly relishing the performances of Bach. Beyond these interests, further skills such as knitting and welding pique Timothy’s interest. This fascination with the art of making fits very well with the concept of his column of tutorials and the process of creation.

After setting his tools down during a creative project, Timothy will often pick up a book. He shared a particular appreciation for the book The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin, admiring its pacing, plot, and vivid characters. He has also enjoyed the writing of authors like J.K. Rowling, C.S. Lewis, and J.R.R. Tolkien. An experienced traveler, Timothy says that Greece has been his favorite place to visit in his various trips. He remarked on the many interesting sights to see as well as sights he enjoyed finding in the pages of the Bible. Within the Bible, one of Timothy’s favorite passages is Psalm 46:1-3, regarding God’s steadfastness. Timothy also described how he will “eat anything edible” yet truly savors zucchini casserole, pie, and horse sausage. 

During my interview with Timothy, I was inspired by his thoughtful answers to my questions as well as greatly intrigued by his ideas for his column. I am sure that his column this year will make an excellent as well as entertaining addition to clay!


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