
Meet Ivy Myers: PR Manager

Greetings and welcome back to clay!

We’re delighted to be accompanying you once again on your TPS journey! This new school year is full of potential, and we at clay will be with you every step of the way, as you almost miss your live class because you slept in, hold bleary midnight essay seshes, and nearly choke because you were called up on mic right as you took a bite of cereal. (Aw, memories…) Something else full of potential? Our clay staff members! This year we have a spectacular array of new recruits, one of whom we had the privilege to get to know: PR Manager Ivy Myers!

Joining us all the way from Portland, Oregon, seventeen-year-old Ivy is entering her third and final year with TPS— and she’s clearly planning to go out with a bang with seven classes lined up: Belhaven Year 2, Constitutional Law, Trial Law, French 1, Drawing 1, Drawing 2, and Worldviews through Movies. But she doesn’t just bring impressive academic credentials to the table of Public Relations—no, friends, Ivy also brings a stereotype-shattering personality, an eye for aesthetics, and a beautiful bearded dragon that will make you wish you had a bearded dragon even though you didn’t particularly like lizards or want one before. (Stop wondering if we speak from personal experience. We plead the fifth.)

An INFP with a bit of an ENTP streak, Ivy won’t stand for conventionality. (Nothing like that King Triton fellow; such a stickler for rules.) Case in point:

“Dark mode or light mode?” “Why isn’t there a grey mode? Or a medium mode?”

(We can respect that. Even if you spell “gray” like a British person. *winks*)

Ivy’s found several unique ways to fill her time, from crocheting to writing poetry to putting up with the poor peasants in the Wendy’s drive-thru who for the life of them can’t order a burger and a Frosty the right way. (again… the fifth…) But she doesn’t just have her life together—she also has her colors together. From Spotify playlists to bedroom décor, her palettes—lavender and green in particular—are perfectly coordinated. And a final unique hobby of hers: identifying plants. (Incredibly impressive, seeing as we struggle to identify if something even is a plant half the time. Looking at you, Rapunzel.)

While it’s impossible to summarize her in one pathetic 500-word article, we’ll do our best to throw in some important details: She most strongly identifies with Starbucks’ Dragon Drink for no particular reason. She would intimidate any contenders for the role of PR Manager with the two rings on either hand (which can slap pretty hard) but admits that her lack of aggression could cause her to lose a fight. She has a blissfully math- and science-free schedule this year. And, on a zoo carousel, her first steed of choice would be a turtle.

There you have it: Ivy Myers! Will she enhance clay’s PR aesthetic? Will she rule her realm of the internet with an iron fist? Will she do all of the above and more? Stay tuned this next year and find out!

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