Tag: Visual Arts

Arts & Culture

The Importance of Critique

It sounds intimidating—everyone staring at your piece, inspecting every part, pointing out what they like or don’t like… Maybe you come away less pleased with your piece than before. Maybe you come away discouraged, thinking you’re a bad artist, or too scared to ask for feedback on a piece again. […]

Arts & Culture

Art History… and clay is History…

People have been creating art for thousands of years in the form of cave or tomb paintings, sculptures, architecture, and religious artifacts, and art will stick around—God’s new creation someday, a work of art, will be around forever after all. Unfortunately we cannot say the same for clay. It is […]

Arts & Culture


So much of improving your artwork comes down to experimenting. If you don’t try a new technique, how will you discover the best method for what you’re trying to achieve? If you don’t try a new style, how will you know whether or not you like it? If you don’t […]

Arts & Culture

Artist Interviews

As we as young artists develop our skills, learn what inspires us, and explore opportunities for how to use our talents, it can be helpful to hear from some artists farther along on the journey. Their stories of how they got to where they are now can be an inspiration […]

Arts & Culture

Drawing What You See

Observational Drawing There’s something about going for a walk in the woods with a sketchbook and pencils or watercolors in hand and finding a place to plop down and paint a flower peeking out from the ground, or sketch a pinecone lying on a pile of pine needles. It is […]