Tag: theology and worldview

Theology & Worldview

Being Both Thankful and Grateful

As we approach Thanksgiving, we often reflect on what we’re thankful for. Maybe you and your family go around the table and say what you’re grateful for: friends, family, clothing, shelter, and the food on your table (who’s not thankful for pie?).  It’s a good wake-up call of everything that […]

Theology & Worldview

14 Days-Chapter 3

~Promises (September 2-3)~ Still awake, I suddenly felt a lump under my pillow. My trembling hand reached underneath my head and tasted something warm and glassy, like the surface of a sun-kissed marble. Heat flooded my senses, and I snatched my hand away. A caustic coldness burned my fingers, replacing […]

Theology & Worldview

Stories for His Glory

It’s no surprise that stories captivate us. They make a home in our hearts, impacting our lives, whether we realize it or not. And all stories, even fictional ones, have fundamental elements of reality intertwined into them. All solid stories—the noble, virtuous, and wholesome ones—are not just entertainment; they are […]

Theology & Worldview

Sacred Art in Church History

What comes to mind when you read the phrase ‘sacred art’? Perhaps a stained-glass window, a statue, or a towering cathedral. Most people have seen pictures of, or at least heard of, DaVinci’s Last Supper and Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling. Art can be, and often is, used to glorify God, […]