Tag: Prayer



Every culture is different. Over the course of hundreds or thousands of years, groups of people develop customs that set them apart. These customs can be completely different from another group. For example, in Eastern cultures, white is a color that symbolizes death whereas Western cultures believe the opposite. The […]



Warning: This article has mentions of child marriage which some might be uncomfortable with. Read at your own risk.   We all know the devastating impact that war causes. Most, if not all of the TPS community, have seen the photos depicting crumbling cities, mushroom clouds, and the bodies of […]

Theology & Worldview

The Importance of Prayer

You see a friend’s prayer request post. They’re going through a hard time; their mom is sick and their dad just lost his job. So you do what any good friend does: you comment with something along the lines of, “Praying!”  But do you actually pray for them? In today’s […]



As the world approaches summer, it often means a time of rest. Children get out of school and adults prepare for better weather. Unfortunately, the people in Ukraine don’t have the option to relax.   Even after two months of constant fear, the citizens of Ukraine don’t get a chance […]


Faith in Uncertainty

Prayer is a Christian’s spiritual weapon. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to “pray continually”. God wants Christians to pray, even when He knows what they’re going to ask. No one knows this more than Igor Bandura, the current vice president of the Baptist Union of Ukraine, who says, “Prayer is our […]