Tag: Eliana Cetola

Arts & Culture

Is Javert Really a Villain?

Disclaimer: The 2012 film “Les Miserables” is rated PG-13 due to suggestive material, violence, and thematic elements.  A timeless classic with thirty-four different adaptations, Les Miserables remains one of the most beloved musicals in the theater world (IMDb). The large, multigenerational cast of characters is quite nuanced with respect to […]

Arts & Culture

Newsies: Movie vs. Proshot

“The things we do today will be tomorrow’s news…” Newsies is a movie musical directed by Kenny Ortega in 1992, featuring a catchy, high-energy soundtrack by Alan Menken and Jack Feldman. In 2012, the Broadway production of the same name debuted starring Jeremy Jordan as protagonist Jack Kelly and won […]


Meet Eliana Cetola: Theater Columnist

Meet Eliana Cetola, clay’s 2022-2023 Theater columnist! Eliana is seventeen years old and being a missionary kid has lived the last ten of them in Italy. Returning for her second year with TPS, Eliana’s class schedule will include US Government and Economics, Psychology and Counseling from a Biblical Perspective, English […]