
Making SnowGoggles With Calvin and Hobbes





oh. You still need the pattern. Here it is:

                                            ^ Snow-Goggles Pattern


First off, you need to bend the wire to fit around the glasses frames in a way that it can be put on and taken off—unless the glasses in question are your own, in which case attach the wire whichever way you jolly well please.

For reference, I did it this way:

Then, take the wire off again. (Hopefully you didn’t permanently attach it yet.)

Now, print off the snow goggles pattern and get the sheepskin.
If you think the sheepskin’s owner won’t appreciate your mutilating it, then you could also use old socks.

When you trace the pattern on the sheepskin, make sure that each side is facing up, and that the direction of the wool matches the direction of the arrows on the pattern.

Now for the needlework. If you don’t have a stuffed tiger to sew the goggles for you, it might be worthwhile to use a sewing machine. Actually, Hobbes, can you just take over from here?


Hello, all!

This is Hobbes the Tiger writing, and today I will teach you how to sew together some boring looking pieces of sheepskin for a lazy six-year-old who prefers throwing his friend under the bus in favor of dishing out a few dollars for a sewing machine.

First, sew the nose portion together. If you are using leather, make sure the thread gets passed through each hole twice. This way it is stronger and will not tear as easily when said six-year-old faceplants into a tree and…

What’s that, Calvin?

Hey, who just asked me to take over for them? I can write what I want to.

(Also, be careful with leather. Needles tend to break easily around it.)

Then, fold over the edges marked in the pattern around the wire and sew the wire pieces into the material.

To make the nose fit better, you might also want to sew a piece of wire underneath.

Last of all, connect the ends of the nose and rim sections to fit around the glasses. If you want the nose to be removable, like I did, you can also put in some metal snaps here:

And now you know how to make snow-glasses, the weirdest—ah, I mean, coolest eyewear in existence. Now, all we need is a test ride.




Photo Credits:

Tutorial Illustrations—Timothy Baker

Comics—Rearranged and adapted from:

              Scientific Progress Goes “Boink”, by Bill Watterson

              The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book, by Bill Watterson

              Weirdos from Another Planet, by Bill Watterson

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