
Nathan Affleck: Basketball, Brothers, and Half-Matured Chickens

Micah: Sup peoples, it’s spotlight time. We got this dude Nathan Affleck here and we’re gonna ask him some questions, let’s gooooooooooooo!

Luke: Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Nathan: Uh… is this how these things normally work?

Micah: Totally.

Luke: (at the same time) Definitely.

Nathan: (suspicious look) Where is Joshua anyway? Isn’t he the one who normally does these?

Micah: It’s fine! I mean, we’re his brothers! It’s not like we’d lock him in a closet and do his interview ourselves, am I right?

Luke: Exactly.

Nathan: Okay then… should we get started?

Micah: Yep! Let’s get the boring stuff over with first, what’s your age and grade and where do you live?

Nathan: I’m 17 and in 11th grade, and I live in Istanbul, Turkey.

Luke: And how long have you been with TPS?

Nathan: This is my 5th year. Other TPS veterans might remember me from two Forums platforms ago, I used to be in all the RPGs there.

Micah: Cool!

Luke: What TPS classes are you taking this year?

Nathan: Just one, Advanced Composition. It’s a tough class but it’s pretty good.

Luke: So I’ve heard.

Micah: Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to some interesting stuff. What’s your favorite food?

Nathan: You know, that’s one of life’s greatest mysteries… no one really knows the answer.

Micah: Ok then…

Luke: I should use that one sometime.

Micah: What about the weirdest food you’ve ever had?

Nathan: That’s a pretty easy one: half-matured chicken. It’s a chicken that’s mostly developed but is still in its egg, and it’s disgusting.

Micah: Gross.

Nathan: Very.

Luke: Remind me to make Joshua eat some… anyway, what are some of your hobbies?

Nathan: I’ve got a couple of the usual ones, like hanging out with friends and reading; I’m a big Lord of the Rings fan. Basketball is another big one, I love playing it. Really though, I just enjoy competition in general.

Micah: Ooo basketball.

Luke: I approve.

Micah: Got any pets?

Nathan: Nope. I’d like a dog, but my parents aren’t crazy about the responsibility that would come with one. I definitely don’t want a cat though.

Luke: Cats are mysterious creatures…

Micah: Indeed.

Luke: Exactly.

Micah: Correctamundo.

Nathan: …is there anything else?

Micah: Oh yeah, you should probably tell us about your siblings.

Luke: We didn’t forget, like Joshua almost did that one time…

Nathan: I have three younger siblings: Emily, Will, and Rebecca.

Micah: Alright, I think our job here is done.

Luke: Remember everyone, beach balls are spherical like the moon.

Micah: And the moon is actually…

(Door slams open)

Joshua: (death glare) Come here you fiends!

Micah: Run for it! (dashes off)

Luke: (follows him)

Nathan: Wait… they didn’t actually…

Joshua: Lock me in a closet and do my interview themselves? Yes, yes, they did.

Nathan: Ouch.

Joshua: Yeah… did they finish?

Nathan: I think so? It seemed like they were wrapping up.

Joshua: (glances at notes) They missed a couple of questions. I think they may have been using the phony list they gave me last time.

Nathan: They did what?

Joshua: Don’t get me started… I’ll just finish up, I guess. Who is someone you aspire to be like?

Nathan: Stephen Curry comes to mind; I want to play in the NBA when I grow up so he’s a pretty good person to look up to. Another would be Tim Tebow, he and Curry are both sports players and Christians, so they’re great role models.

Joshua: Nice! One last question, what’s your favorite Bible verse?

Nathan: I think my favorite changes a lot, but right now it’s probably Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight” (CSB).

Joshua: Awesome. Thanks for coming out, sorry about Luke and Micah…

Nathan: No problem, it was actually pretty fun.

Joshua: Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some miscreants to find… (runs off) I’m coming for you!

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