

19 Questions with Grace Alons

Hailing from Colorado, a state with beautiful mountains and great hiking spots, fourteen-year-old Grace Alons is in her third year with TPS. She is in ninth grade and joined The Potter’s School because her mother found a Spanish course that she thought would be good for her to take. Being […]


TCK Spotlight: Jayna Jung

Meet Jayna Jung, a Korean-American TCK who lives in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. At twelve years old, she is the youngest of a family of five and a third year TPSer. Currently, she’s taking English 1, Asian History, Life Science, and Geography. A few of Jayna’s hobbies are reading, drawing, chatting with […]


12 Questions with Aspen Fleming

Aspen Fleming, the 14-year-old writer is next on my list of girls to interview. She is in 9th grade and enjoys reading, dancing, and singing. One day, she hopes to go to university and major in a particular area of the health department to help people out in a practical […]