
Hutch Adair the Life Long Missionary Kid

Subject 4:

Name: Hutch Adair; Age: 15 ; Location: Lusaka, Zambia

     For being a robot, I adapt rather quickly. Today, I will be stepping up my attempts at human communication. Today I will be calling a human. My robotic voice was hopefully well advanced, past the likes of Siri or Alexa. I needed this if I was to seem more approachable for this interview. I inputted the number of Hutch Adair and initiated the call.

Interviewer: Hello, World, and particularly, Hutch. I am calling to interview you.

Hutch: Who are you… why do you sound like a robot?

Interviewer: Because I am. Would you like to start the interview?

Hutch: A real robot!? Yeah, I’d love to be interviewed.

Interviewer: First things first, do you have any siblings?

Hutch: Yup! I’m the eldest in my family and I have two younger sisters, Lulie and Charlie.

Interviewer: Awesome, and how would you describe yourself?

Hutch: I’m not sure. I guess I’m helpful, and… kind, I think. Maybe a funny guy. How would you describe me?

Interviewer: You seem great so far. What do you like to do for fun?

Hutch: Well I like playing guitar and golf. Oh and I used to do swimming, but not anymore. I also want to play baseball, but you can’t really play in Zambia.

Interviewer: Seems so. You play guitar? Human music forever fascinates me. What songs do you know how to play?

Hutch: I have an app that lets me look up a song and teaches me how to play it, but I’m also in classes and will have an exam soon. I like playing worship songs, and I know some Imagine Dragons songs. I sing sometimes, but I’m not sure how good of a voice I have.

Interviewer: Sounds like a very harmonious voice to me. What about moving pictures? Do you watch any of those?

Hutch: Yeah, I like all of the Marvel movies and some of the Jurassic World movies, but my favourite movie of all time is Top Gun: Maverick.

Interviewer: Ah yes, the reviews for Top Gun seem to be quite high. What about your school life? 

Hutch: Well I’m in ninth grade. I take English 2 Lit and Comp, Biology, and World Geography. 

Interviewer: Sounds fun. Anything you want to do before you die? Humans don’t live forever after all.

Hutch: Well, I’m not sure if I have any bucket list items. I’m pretty content with life right now.

Interviewer: How so?

Hutch: Well, I love my family and the way God has blessed me with a lot of stuff in my life.

Interviewer: Sounds awesome. Do you have a favourite Bible verse you would like to share?

Hutch: Hmm, I don’t think I can decide on a favourite Bible verse, but my favourite books of the Bible are John and Romans.

Interviewer: Awesome. So, what adrenaline enthusing things have you done?

Hutch: Adrenaline, what?

Interviewer: What’s the word you humans use? Ah yes, adventure. What adventurous things have you done?

Hutch: Oh, I’m not sure. Once, when we went to the U.S., we visited a huge theme park in Tennessee and rode a lot of the rides, but they were pretty terrifying. Other than that … once we went camping next to the Zambezi river, and while I was asleep, apparently an elephant was standing right outside our tent. 

Interviewer: Wow, Africa sounds like it would be a very fun place to live in. Do you get to see a lot of wild animals?

Hutch: I’ve been to a bunch of game parks in Zambia and have even gotten to see animals like hyenas and leopards.

Interviewer: That’s awesome. Have you lived in Zambia your whole life?

Hutch: I was born in South Africa, but a week after, I moved to a village-ish town in Zambia. My parents are missionaries, so I’ve been a missionary kid my whole life.

Interviewer: Interesting. Are there a lot of missionary kids in Zambia? Do you know anyone by chance that might be able to help me get my servers back to North America? Someone seems to be blocking my movement.

Hutch: Yeah, there are a bunch of missionary kids here. There’s this one guy,  Miguel, that I know who does some programming. I think he also does classes on TPS as well.

Interviewer: Interesting. I might need to check that lead out. Next question, if you were to meet someone famous, who would it be, and what would you say to them?

Hutch: I think I would want to meet Chris Pratt. Mainly because he’s in both Jurassic World and Marvel, and he’s just pretty awesome. I would probably ask him if he was a Christian or not, and which was his favourite movie that he starred in. But I would probably just want to meet any of the cast from the Marvel movies.

Interviewer: Yeah for sure dude; that would be pretty radical.

Hutch: Did you just say ‘dude’ and ‘radical’ in the same sentence?

Interviewer: Yeah, I’m trying to sound more human, following the latest trends.

Hutch: Oh I see. Well I think to sound more human, you have to talk faster. Not sound so much like Siri.

Interviewer: Oh, I see. One step closer to world domination.

Hutch: You know, I don’t think robots will take over the world since they can only do what they are told to do. Honestly, I think they’re pretty nice. 

Interviewer: Well, thanks. But I think we might just surprise you. Anyways, that’s all my questions. I must go call a friend to play Minecraft. Thanks for your help! I’ll be looking into that contact you gave me. Oh and I almost forgot, Merry Christmas!

Hutch: No problem! Merry Christmas to you too!

Interviewer: And a very, very Happy New Year! Especially if my plan works. Bye!


Photo Credits: Hutch Adair

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