Arts & Culture

Chapter One: Sierra Meets Grandmother and the Mysterious Book

The moment she opened her car door, a gust of icy rain slapped Sierra’s face, reminding her of the atrocious fate she was soon to encounter. It was Memorial Day, the first day of Sierra’s summer break, a three-month period of time that she had been anticipating all year. However, contrary to the exciting summer she had dreamt of, Sierra found herself being sent all alone to spend time at her grandmother’s house. She still couldn’t believe the events that had rapidly occurred over the past few weeks. On the last day of school, Sierra’s parents abruptly, yet casually, informed her that they would be traveling throughout Europe the entire summer. However, her parents also told Sierra that she would be staying with her grandmother during the duration of their European voyage. Sierra begged and bargained with her parents to take her along with them, but nothing could persuade her father and mother. 

Now, Sierra was to endure the tedious journey from Chicago to Boston and then embark on another slightly shorter trip to her grandmother’s countryside home. Sierra hardly ever visited her grandmother because of the lengthy distance between, and as a result, she didn’t know what to expect. Although Sierra had visited her grandmother a handful of times over the past fifteen years, she always felt a twinge of anxiety before reuniting with her each time. Grandmother was quite a mysterious lady, the kind of person that some might call “eccentric” or “strange.” Each time Sierra entered her grandmother’s home, she felt a wave of discomfort wash over her. The past times she had visited her, she had only stayed for a day or two at most. However, this time would be different, for Sierra had three months to get to know Grandmother.

After unloading her luggage from the car and waving farewell to her parents, Sierra speed-walked over to the front door, trying to avoid the ruthless downpour that only strengthened as the minutes went by. With only silence to welcome her, Sierra stood awkwardly and stared at her worn-out shoes, rubbing one against the ground, hoping to relieve herself of this quiet suspense. Suddenly, the knob rattled, the door creaked open, and an old woman emerged from the darkness, with a look of bewilderment stamped on her wrinkled face. 

“Yes?” Grandmother inquired, confused as to why Sierra was on her front porch.

Sierra straightened and tried to smile. “Hi, Grandmother, it’s Sierra. I hope that my parents already communicated with you that I am staying with you for the summer,”  Sierra stuttered.

Her grandmother stared for a moment, then an unexpected flash of remembrance appeared on her face. She smiled. “Yes, Sierra. Welcome to my home!” she replied and gestured for her to enter the house.

Sierra was stunned at Grandmother’s sudden change in behavior but also felt a wave of relief wash over her nervous mind. She stepped inside, lugged her bags behind her, and was very glad to leave behind the howling rain.

 Sierra’s grandmother continued, “I will prepare some chicken noodle soup for dinner, if you don’t mind. Make yourself at home, and one more thing! Please call me Grandma Betsey, no formal ‘grandmother’ nonsense,” she laughed.

Sierra awkwardly laughed in response to the remark as her grandmother disappeared into the kitchen. She was about to sit on the couch when she heard Grandma Betsey shout once more from the other room.

“Also, your bedroom is up in the attic. If you would like, you may place your belongings in there now!” 

Sierra’s ears perked up when she heard this. She had never been up in her own attic at her home before, as her parents never found any use for it. Curious, Sierra walked over to the staircase and proceeded to the attic. 

The staircase leading up to the second floor was ancient, rickety, and unpredictable. Sierra cautiously tiptoed up the stairs, afraid that one of the boards would fall to the floor below at any time. Finally and thankfully, she made it to the top. From there, Sierra saw a small ladder, which she promptly began to ascend. When she popped her head into the attic, she was amazed and intrigued, observing everything around her. Unlike the rest of the house, the attic was seemingly contemporary. The modest but cozy room was clad in fairy lights, with a lavender-colored bedspread draped over her bed and a furry gray rug next to the nightstand. However, what primarily caught Sierra’s eye was a thick red book placed on her bed. Captivated and wondering what the contents held, Sierra walked over and lifted the book. After dusting off the cover, she noticed that the object seemed to be a diary. Curious, she opened the first page of the mysterious item. What occurred within the next few seconds was something Sierra could have never fathomed…

To Be Continued…


Image Credit:

Darkmoon_Art. “A Book Embossing Leather Cover.” Pixabay, n.d. 

Accessed 18 Aug. 2022

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