
Annoying Brothers, Orange Juice Commercials, and Books

Mercy: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the first girls’ spotlight of this year: Emily Affleck!

Emily: Hello?

Low voice: Salutations, Emily.

Mercy: Bro, leave.

Low voice: You don’t know who I am though.

Mercy: Yes, I do. You’re my annoying older brother, Joshua, who thinks he can write better articles than me.

Joshua: But I can though.

Mercy: Hah, yeah right. Just leave. Anyway, let’s start with the basics. Age, grade, and where you live.

Emily: I’m 16, 11th grade, and I live in Istanbul, Turkey.

Mercy: Beautiful city. Have you lived in multiple places?

Emily: Yes, I lived in China and Taiwan before I came to Turkey.

Mercy: Nice. Do you have any siblings?

Emily: Yes, three. I have an older brother Nathan, a younger brother Will, and a younger sister Rebecca.

Mercy: I’m sure they’re very nice.

Emily: Mhm. Of course!

Mercy: So, what TPS classes are you taking this year?

Emily: Advanced Composition.

Mercy: Just one class, I see. Could you give me a fun fact about you?

Emily: Um, I’m not sure.

Mercy: (mutters) that’s what everyone says.

Joshua: Get used to it.

Mercy: I totally forgot you were here.

Joshua: That’s kind of the point. So, Emily, got an answer?

Emily: I mean, I’ve been to 10 countries.

Joshua: Great! (steals Mercy’s list) Alright, next one, if you could describe yourself in three words what would they be?

Emily: Well, let’s say indecisive, cheap, and avid.

Joshua: Nice, what about your talents?

Emily: I can write…

Joshua: Write what? Stories? Songs? Poetry? Orange Juice commercials? Be more specific.

Emily: Stories and songs, I guess.

Mercy: Your stories and songs are amazing, and you can write more than that. Moving on.

Joshua: What are some of your hobbies?

Emily: Writing, reading, and talking to friends.

Joshua: All great things to do.

Mercy: I’ll ask the next question, thank you very much (steals the list back). So, if money was no object, what would you do all day?

Emily: I’d go to a bookstore and buy a ton of books.

Mercy: Sounds fun. What’s an interesting story that’s happened in your life?

Emily:  Well, in my apartment complex in China, this Chinese girl and her family came to stay in these big tents because her dad was remodeling the outside of the building. So first I started hanging out with her, and we became friends but then one day she just disappeared. A few weeks later she showed up at my house and she had cut and dyed her hair to look almost exactly like mine!

Mercy: That’s sweet. Alright, list some of your favorite things.

Joshua: (starts humming the song)

Emily: Books, Taylor Swift, Starbucks coffee, pens, and malls.

Mercy: Gotta have that Starbucks.

Emily: Oh, absolutely.

Joshua: So, who’s someone you want to be like and why?

Emily: Jesus. I mean not that I ever can be, but I still want to be like Him because He’s perfect. Not to mention His kindness, and He’s so wise.

Mercy: Perfect answer.

Joshua: What’s your favorite Bible verse?

Emily: Psalms 70:1, “Make haste O God to deliver me.”

Mercy: Beautiful. Well, I think that’s about it. Anything else you want to say to the readers?

Emily: Journaling is a good habit because you can look back at your life and see how God has been faithful.

Mercy: Great advice.

Joshua: Well thanks for coming!

Emily: Of course.

Mercy: Great having you.

Emily: Well, I better go, my siblings need some supervision.

Joshua and Mercy: Alright, bye!

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