
What is this place? (Part Two)

Alright everyone. Here is part two, what you’ve all been waiting for, I’m sure.

Hiya folks! The name’s Roly the Poly and I am the world’s most seasoned explorer. I once hitched on to a wonderfully fast and soft vehicle (which was apparently Mrs. Jourlait’s tote bag). Little did I know that I was in for quite the ride. After several bouts of movement and a lot of sleep, it seemed that my vehicle had arrived in a completely different area. I immediately felt the change – for one, the weather was a lot more tropical. I assumed that I had arrived at a vacation area, something I had heard of many times before. One sunny day, my vehicle took us to a boutique when lo and behold I saw something marvelous. A cat who had most likely been pregnant fairly recently was sprawled on a chair in the boutique, basking in the sunshine. I immediately made a move – petting her was absolutely necessary. I had no idea how she would react, but apparently she wasn’t bothered. I wonder why… Sadly, she was a skinny little thing with some wounds, but I had to leave her to return to my vehicle. As we left, I looked back and to my surprise, the cat was following us. It seemed like she was hungering for attention, and I would have obliged readily had some street rappers not come up and scare her off. The rest of the day passed by pretty uneventfully; we passed around the boutique again, and this time she was sleeping under a truck (which looked rather dangerous). Well, I thought it’d be a mighty big shame if we just left her all alone. Problem is, it was New Year’s Day and pretty much nothing was open. I thought, and thought, hoping my vehicle would take me to the cat once more…

Roly the Poly. tote bag hitchhiker extraordinaire.

On New Year’s Day, Mrs. Jourlait was still thinking about that cat and how she couldn’t possibly survive and all. She and her family were chilling by the hotel pool when she decided it was time to take action. Her husband and other son did not particularly want to stop chilling, so in the end, only one son was convinced to come with her and find the cat. They found her on the street again, in front of a hotel trying to cozy up against other people, so Mrs. Jourlait promptly popped her in her tote bag (a decision that Roly most definitely approved of). Since it was New Year’s, nothing was open, which was a hassle in this case since she did need to an emergency vet of sorts. She decided to get a taxi, and the driver kindly took her to the Canilandia Veterinary Hospital. The vet kept the cat for a few days and finished up the paperwork. The cat was christened Cartagena and a plane ticket, cat carrier, and immigration papers were obtained, and at last they were ready to go home.

Of course, our dear friend Roly the Poly watched over Cartagena benevolently. He may still be lurking in Mrs. Jourlait’s tote bag as you read this.

So ends the great cat craziness saga.

Bonus mini story: A feline by the name of Dakota always attacked his mistress when she sang in French, and French only. He also had a habit of walking into walls/doors/anything solid. He was loved despite not being the sharpest knife in the drawer.


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