
22 Questions with Emmalyn Rose

Referring to my list, I see that the next girl I am going to interview is Emmalyn Rose. Emmalyn is turning 13 and in 8th grade. She enjoys reading, writing, archery, and drawing. Additionally, she prefers Marvel, Winter, cake, tea, dark chocolate (a true chocolate lover), and waffles. She has also been home-schooled her whole life. We coordinate on a time and day for a video call, so I can get to know more about her.

“Hi Emmelyn! Thank you for joining me today,” I greet the cheerful-looking girl after we fixed our minor technical issues.

“Hello! Thank you for having me,” she smiles brightly.

“So, for the first question, how many years have you been with TPS, and why did you join TPS?” I start off.

“This is my second year, and I joined because my mom found an English class that we could do,” she ends off with a small laugh.

I nod, “Cool, what classes are you taking this year?”

“Logic and Apologetics.”

“What are some of your favorites? You may list out anything that comes to mind.”

After a moment’s thought, she replies, “Lord of the Rings and anything Tolkien. My favorite color is dark green, favorite food is potato soup, and the favorite place I’ve been to is Normandy, France.”

“These are great favorites! Now, where do you live and what do you like best about where you live?”

“I live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. I like how it is just deep in the forest, and I could go on walks.”

“How awesome! What is your personality type if you know it? It can be Myers-Briggs or Enneagram type,” I ask, curious to find out more about Emmelyn’s personality.

“I did know it, but I can pull it up. It will just take one second.” And very quickly, she tells me that she is an INTP-A.

“Nice! What are 3 words that describe you the most?”

“Hmm, imaginative, shy, and loyal, I guess?”

 I grin, “You don’t seem shy to me, though!”

“Well, when it’s speaking to people in real life then yes, I’m very shy,” she sheepishly responds.

“If you had the chance, what would you tell your younger self?”

“Umm, fix your attitude about Latin—it’s a good language.”

“Haha, I’ve never liked Latin. Do you speak any other languages, aside from English, or course?”

“I’m learning Latin, and I just started Old English.”

“Nice, where have you travelled before?”

“We travelled basically all-around Europe, highlights being England, Scotland, Germany, Italy, Israel, and Greece. I would love to live in Garmisch, Germany.”

“Those are nice places! Do you play any instruments or sports?” I ask for the twelfth question.

“I play piano, I used to do ballet, and I’m going to start violin.”

“Lovely! I play the piano too. Do you have any siblings? If yes, how many?”

“I have three siblings.”

“What does an ordinary day in your life look like?”

“I wake up, do my devotions and classes, complete some homework, and then just read and hang out for the rest of the day.” She lists out.

“I pretty much do all that too. Do you have any nicknames? If yes, do share with us a few examples!”

“Gorbag, Emmie, Emu, Thrandy, Emm—I have a lot of nicknames that I can’t remember right now—Emma-limma-sing-song…My mom calls me that.”

“What is the best or worst gift that you have ever received?

“Best probably my copy of the Lord of the Rings and worst probably a t-shirt. But no gift is truly bad.”

“Indeed, it’s the thought that counts. What are some of your pet peeves?”

“Oh, um, when people scrape plastic utensils on Styrofoam plates, that just really gets me.”

“Yes, yes, that’s just so bad. If you could excel in one thing, what would it be and why?”

“Old English. I started learning it when I looked into what was behind the LoTR culture, like Beowulf,” she explains.

“What are some of your talents?”

“Singing, drawing, and writing, I’m not really talented. I usually just find something that I like to do and stick with that.”

“Makes sense. Do you have any fun facts about yourself that nobody knows about you yet, at least in TPS?”

“At least in TPS… My dad’s in the military so we move around a lot. I think some people know that though.”

“I forgot to ask this, but what is your favorite Bible verse?”

“Romans 1:16.”

“What words of encouragement would you give to anyone?”

“Get right with God,” She simply states.

“I think this is it then, thank you for joining me today and your willingness to be interviewed!”

“Alright, no problem, thank you!” And we end the interview.

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